We offer regular taiko practice at Budohuset, Ekeby Bruk 6E, Uppsala, Sweden. The participants must be at least 14 years of age.
Training schedule: September 19th - December 15th, Sundays 9:30-12:00 (for everyone), and Thursdays 19:00-21:00 (continuation). (Please note: no practice on October 6th)
Training fees for a semester: * 1 session per week: 1050 kronor per semester (approx. 100 Euro)
* 2 sessions per week: 1500 kronor per semester (approx. 150 Euro)
The fee must be paid no later than when the semester begins.
Membership fee to Budohuset: 200 kronor per person (approx. 20 Euro)
Please note: The membership fee is only paid once a year and it is paid directly to Budohuset.