Guest Taiko Artists

We invite International  taiko artists to Sweden to lead workshops and for performances, because it is very inspirational and a great opportunity to experience  different styles of taiko. 

Shoji Kameda is coming back to Sweden for taiko workshops and a joint taiko performance on 14th-15th of September!

Previous Events

Shoji Kameda
Shoji Kameda
On Ensemble /
Isabel Romeo Biedma
Isabel Romeo Biedma
Issho Daiko
Martin Doyle
Martin Doyle
Tsuchigumo Daiko
Shonagh Walker
Shonagh Walker
Tsuchigumo Daiko
Kaoly Asano
Kaoly Asano
San Jose Taiko
San Jose Taiko
Franco Imperial, Yurika Chiba, Geoff Noone
Kenny Endo
Kenny Endo
Kendo Music
Chizuko Endo
Chizuko Endo
Taiko Center of the Pacific